Intellectual Property Rights & Copyright

The concept of intellectual property and copyright 

Intellectual property is related to the attribution of property rights to their owners and owners, such as patents, copyrights, or trademarks, and allowing them to monopolize their use for a specific period, and intellectual property rights are legal rights that preserve innovations and intellectual inventions in all fields.

The commitment of the Computer and Skills Development Center to intellectual property rights upon publication:

The Computer and Skills Development Center is committed to the principles of intellectual property rights when designing and uploading any training content on the Center's website, such as texts, images, programs, designs, training content, or others.

It belongs to the Computer and Skills Development Center for the intellectual property of the digital content published on the Center's website, including programs, designs, images, and others.

Any content is reviewed before being published on the training platform and made sure that it is free of violations of intellectual property rights.

Trainers' commitment to intellectual property rights when displaying training contents on the Center's website:

Trainers who wish to upload their training contents adhere to the principles of intellectual property rights and copyright. The trainer signs a pledge form and acknowledges that the training content provided in the training courses respects all intellectual property and copyright laws, use, modification, and blending. The trainers also undertake to refer to the scientific references and the sources that he benefited from in preparing the training content, and in the event that the trainer uses training content that he does not own intellectual property or does not mention references and sources, he bears the legal responsibility for that.

The trainer's commitment when uploading the training content on the center's website:

The trainers acknowledge that all digital training content uploaded to the Center's website, including recorded lectures, assignments, or various educational objects, must respect intellectual property rights and copyright principles, and the trainers acknowledge that all uploaded training content becomes at the disposal of the Computer and Skills Development Center, which it can use for research or academic purposes.

Among the copyright controls that the Center adheres to and which are explained to all beneficiaries are the following:
1. It is forbidden to publish any training content exposed to people or institutions that shows them in a bad way.
2. It is forbidden to infringe by publishing or quoting content with intellectual rights without permission or consent.
3. It is forbidden to publish any content contrary to the religious or moral teachings prevailing in society.
4. It is forbidden to publish any content that affects national unity (racism, sectarianism, tribal...).
5. It is forbidden to publish or promote any content or product with commercial objectives.

Pledge to abide by and disseminate the principles of intellectual property rights and copyright

1. The content provided for training courses in all courses is the exclusive property of the Center.
2. The training courses provided are owned by the site and the rights to publish them by purchasing them from the trainers registered for the training courses.
3. The Center undertakes and acknowledges that the content submitted to the courses does not infringe copyright and does not infringe any rights of any party or entity.
4. The Center also undertakes the principles of protecting intellectual property rights and copyrights of digital content on the site.
5. The Center clarifies the intellectual property policy for all beneficiaries of the courses by publishing it on the website usage agreement page under the title (Intellectual Property Rights).
6. The Center undertakes to examine all electronic development training courses provided to ensure that they are free of intellectual property violations.

Actions taken by the Center when intellectual rights are violated

In case of copyright infringement, one or more of the following penalties will apply:
1. Not to print or publish content infringing intellectual property rights
2. Verbal warning to the violator with the obligation to change the content
3. In the event of a repeat violation, the violator will be prevented from publishing any content on the platform.

