Academic Integrity

The Computer and Skills Development Center is committed to respecting intellectual property rights when designing and uploading all digital educational materials and published digital content (texts, images, programs, designs, etc.) on a website or through e-learning systems and tools.

1.    Definition of Academic Integrity

Therefore, academic integrity represents an ethical system for trainers and trainees at the center that contributes to providing the principles and principles of dealing with educational content in a way that guarantees intellectual property rights, so it is a basic principle for e-learning systems in providing e-learning and distance education programs at the Computer and Skills Development Center.

2.    Principles of Academic Integrity for Trainees      

•     Through the Department of E-Learning and Distance Education and through the e-learning system, the Center maintains high academic standards in its courses and expects trainees to act in a fair, honest and consistent manner with the principles of academic integrity, especially when conducting assessments (discussions, assignments and tests) and research.

•    The work submitted for evaluation by the trainee or an approved group of trainees must be self-contained and independent work to prove the acquired skills and achieve the outcomes of the educational process.

•    The Department of E-Learning and Distance Education, as well as all relevant structures in the Center, provide ongoing technical guidance and support to trainees to ensure that they understand the requirements of maintaining academic integrity and understand that failure to maintain academic integrity constitutes academic misconduct.

•    The Department of E-Learning and Distance Education provides trainers with all reports and tools that enable them to deal fairly with trainees who commit violations of the principles of academic integrity.

•    The center should have clear strategies in coordination with the Department of E-Learning and Distance Education to ensure that the center obtains appropriate education through e-learning systems and supports the fulfillment of the center's expectations of trainees regarding academic honesty.

3. Forms of violation of academic integrity

There are many forms of conduct that violate the standards and principles of academic integrity, including:

• Cheating: Transfer of the work of others and unauthorized use of any notes, information and materials in academic examinations or other tasks assigned to trainees.

• Plagiarism/plagiarism: quoting the phrases and works of others, and unauthorized use of intellectual and literary blogs or any information in any academic test, without referring to it as a reference.

• Misuse of academic assistance: the trainee's exploitation of the work of his colleague who provides him with academic assistance in good faith, such as quoting from a special report drawn up by that colleague or from an old test, without informing him.

• Exploitation of cooperation: the trainee relies on another trainee within his group to accomplish a joint assignment/work, or exploits another trainee to accomplish individual duties.

• Fabrication and forgery: the trainee changes the information available to him or fabricates it in an academic test/assignment, or presents a false medical certificate in order to be absent from attendance.

• Impersonation: The trainee claims the character of another in the class, or in a test or exam, or in any kind of academic duties.

4. Mechanisms for detecting violations of academic integrity

To help identify or rule out potential violations, trainers can ask trainees to:

• Discuss or explain the components of their assessment.

• Document what the trainee has learned in the assessment task, for example, by showing notes/drafts/reference materials used in the preparation of completed assessments.

5. Disciplinary action against impersonation and fraud

In case of violation of the principles of academic integrity, one or more of the following penalties will be applied:

• Verbal warning and warning.

• Temporary deprivation of participation in any of the courses of the Center.

• Cancellation of the trainee's certificate

• Depriving the trainee permanently from participating in any of the center's courses.
